
Dorchester Heights Monument in Boston National Historical Park to be Restored through GAOA Funding

Image of a park under construction with vehicles and a central monument surrounded by scaffolding.
Progress photograph on November 21, 2023, showing scaffolding around monument and active construction work on the former west stairs.

NPS/E Hanson Plass

Boston National Historical Park is planning a multimillion-dollar restoration of the Dorchester Heights Monument atop Telegraph Hill in South Boston with funding from the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA). This project will restore the 115-foot-tall marble commemorative tower, which was designed by Peabody & Stearns architects of Boston in 1899 and constructed in 1901-1902. It will also replace all hardscapes within the surrounding 5.43-acre grounds around the tower, known as Thomas Park. With completion of this project, the iconic tower and grounds will be safe and accessible for visitors and continue to serve as a landmark within the local community.

The Dorchester Heights Monument commemorates the fortification of those Heights on the evening of March 4, 1776. After months of planning, George Washington ordered continental forces and local volunteers to stealthily fortify this location with cannon. This military operation led British forces to evacuate Boston two weeks later, on March 17, 1776. Since that historic moment, Dorchester Heights has remained a significant site to the local community and the nation.

Project at a Glance: This multimillion-dollar project will restore the 115-foot-tall commemorative tower, as well as replace and upgrade the hardscape of the surrounding 5.43-acre grounds known as Thomas Park so that they are safe and accessible to all.

What are the Benefits: This multi-year project will renew the Dorchester Heights Monument as a safe gathering place for visitors and the local community. By addressing the deteriorated conditions of the tower and hardscape, visitors will be able to safely explore the grounds. The tower observatory will be accessible for special events and as staffing allows. In the observatory, visitors will be able to survey the commanding views of the city and Boston Harbor, which made this site a decisive factor in Washington's first victory in the nation's War for Independence.

Project Purpose and Goals

There are two aspects to this project: restoration of the commemorative tower and reconstruction of the surrounding hardscapes. Each play an integral role in making the park a safe place for visitors. This work includes:

  • Restoration and structural upgrade of the tower, including dismantling and reconstructing the Belfry, Lantern, & Spire levels.
  • Installation of new roofing, flashing, & bird control systems on the tower.
  • Exterior and interior tower masonry restoration and cleaning.
  • Restoration of the tower's interior steel staircase.
  • New lighting & ventilation systems in the tower and associated electrical upgrades.
  • Restoration of the tower entrance gate & fencing, bronze entry door, and Observatory viewing doors.
  • Hardscape reconstruction, including walkways, stairs, accessible ramps, handrails and retaining walls.
  • New, deep micropile footings to reach stable soil to correct movement of walls. These footings are foundation support elements that will be used here to provide structural stability to the walls and slopes.
  • Upgrading site stormwater drainage system.
  • Monitoring and protecting of the ground's archeological resources.
  • Refurbishment of exterior lighting with new energy efficient fixtures.

Current Status

September 2024 Updates:


  • The contractor installed marble slabs on course numbers 65, 66, 69, and 71.
  • The contractor hoisted and installed columns on course 75.
  • Work continued on the CMU structure. Workers bricked the void between the marble and the CMU structure. They also drilled and fastened marble slabs to the CMU superstructure and applied two coats of water-resistant treatment to the exterior surface of the CMU superstructure.
  • The contractor continued installing the flashing and waterproofing at course numbers 61, 63, 64, 65, and 67. Contractor soldered joints on the flashing and courses 64 and 67.
  • The contractor installed flashing and counter flashing on the marble slabs on courses 71, 72, and 73.
  • Workers continued repointing marble slabs on all exterior elevations of Level 3.
  • The contractor worked on marble repairs on Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5 at both North and South elevation, as well as made repairs to exterior marble slabs.
  • Workers pressure-washed marble slabs on Level 3 and Level 4.
  • The contractor installed structural steel at base of Lantern/Level 4.
  • The contractor continued erecting scaffolding at the top of the monument.
  • The electrician installed conduit for lighting circuits inside the monument.


  • The contractor installed the concrete forms for the Southeast Stairway. Workers fabricated the carpentry inserts for the angled wall surfaces of the Southeast stair walls as well as the retaining and outside walls. They then installed the concrete forms and system components along the Southeast stairs. The contractor placed and finished 36 cubic yards of concrete for the Southeast Stairway walls. The contractor disassembled concrete forms from around the southeast stairs. They installed concrete forms for retaining wall and outer low walls on the Southeast stair. The contractor then fabricated the inserts for the battered wall surfaces of the Southeast retaining and outside walls.
  • The contractor reconfigured and staged concrete form system components for the south gate pile cap. They fabricated the inserts for the battered walls of the retaining and outside walls at the south gate.
  • For the West Stairway, workers constructed and installed the concrete forms, and they fabricated and installed risers on the south side of the West stairs. The contractor placed and finished 32 cubic yards of concrete on the north side of the West entrance. Then they calked the joints on each side of the west stair. The contractor detailed the joint between the West stairs and the walls on both sides, mixed and applied sealant. The contractor installed rebar assemblies and a bond breaker at each step on the south leg of the West stair and placed 32 cubic yards of concrete on the north section of the West stairs.
  • The contractor removed the Support of Excavation (SOE) walls and installed electrical conduit between light poles along the North Road. The electrician located the service conduits at the transformer near the north gate. The contractor and electrician workers together to locate the duct bank conduits and backfilled the Northeast stairway.
  • Workers removed the concrete slabs and walls on the existing south walkway and then completed laying out and pinning the piles along it. They then cut to rough grade for the installation of piles at the west end of the south walkway and loaded spoils for export. The contractor final cut the south walkway and cast spoils on west embankment for rough grade. Then, they drilled soil nails for Support of Excavation (SOE) wall along the Southeast walkway. The contractor hung mesh and sprayed the retaining wall with concrete.
  • Workers graded embankment in the Northeast quadrant of the site outside of the north road. The contractor rough graded the area between the west gate and the upper roadway.
  • The contractor installed the geofoam and backfilled at the Northeast stairway.
  • Installation of the irrigation controls on the west side and backfilling began.
  • The contractor detailed the fish plaques.

Project Progress

Dorchester Heights Monument with a sidewalk leading up to it and grass on either side.
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Learn more about the restoration project at this national and local site.

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Boston National Historical Park

Last updated: October 8, 2024