
Planning a Trip to Bryce in December? Join us for Bryce Canyon's Annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count!

No experience is necessary and new participants will be teamed with experienced birders. Be a citizen scientist and help researchers assess the health of bird populations and help guide future conservation action. Join us for the next Audubon Christmas Bird Count.


Common and Charismatic Species


Where to Look

Two hikers walk along a river under a large rock formation

When to Look

Spring comes late at these high elevations, with snow often remaining into April. But by late February and early March western bluebirds and American robins are usually returning to the park from lower elevations. Warblers come a little later, often in late April or May, when yellow-rumped warblers, Grace's warblers, black-throated gray warblers and others begin to be heard. May through July is the busy breeding season within the park, and depending on the year various hummingbirds, such as black-chinned, broad-tailed, and rufuous can be seen visiting thistles and other flowers. The melodious songs of hermit thrushes, the ribbits of western tanagers, or the shreiks of green-tailed towhees or wood-pewees and flycatchers can be heard in ponderosa forests, but often fade by mid-August. The violet-green swallows and cliff swallows seen swooping over the Bryce Amphitheater have disappeared by October in most years. Eruptions of crossbills and Cassin's finches occur every few years in late summer and last through the winter. Come the colder months, year-round residents such as Townsend's solitaires, nuthatches, chickadees, juncos, woodpeckers, corvids, and raptors are most commonly seen.

Last updated: September 11, 2024

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P.O Box 640201
Bryce, UT 84764


435 834-5322
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