Science & Research

Research in the Park

Hot Springs National Park (HOSP) has a rich tradition of collaborating with partners to conduct scientific research in the park. If you are interested in conducting research in HOSP please visit the Integrated Resource Management Applications (IRMA) website and the NPS Research Permit and Reporting System website to understand what prior research has been completed to date. These websites contain Investigators Annual Reports (IAR), publications, reports, and spatial datasets for HOSP that can help researchers determine research needs, prepare their permit applications, and understand reporting requirements. IAR’s are mandatory year-end reports required from all Principal Investigators (PI's) who engage in science and resource management activities in the park.

Park managers utilize the most current science and research to support the adaptive management of HOSP. Research proposals and projects that address management relevant questions will be given the highest priority. Researchers are invited to conduct studies in their areas of expertise in the national parks when the work promises to yield information that is useful to park management. NPS policy discourages studies that are not likely to produce results having some intrinsic value for preserving or managing park resources.

Proposed projects cannot negatively affect park resources or visitors and need to contribute to a deeper understanding of Hot Springs National Park. Research activities that require a permit include:

  • Fieldwork

  • Specimen collection

  • Equipment installation

  • Resource monitoring

  • Resource inventory

  • Potential resource / visitor disturbance

Natural, social, and cultural research projects also need to inform management decisions.


How to Apply

Applications for a Research and Collection Permit are coordinated through the NPS Research Permit and Reporting System. This is done by creating an investigator’s profile, then “Submit applications for research permits” and following the subsequent instructions.

It is highly recommended to submit a research proposal or study plan in addition to the application. Proposals and study plans can be attached during the on-line application process or can be sent directly to the park Natural Resources Program Manager either electronically or via regular mail. The application should clearly identify research questions to be answered, research methods, and locations to be studied in the park. Park personnel cannot approve a permit application without knowing the locations and methods to be used. Please be as detailed as possible.

Researchers are encouraged to submit their application at least 90-days in advance of the time they plan to arrive in the park. Processing and approval of a permit application involves several steps which include: various levels of review and compliance with NEPA, park regulations, designated wilderness management, and cultural resource protection.

Additional review may be required depending on the nature of the research. For example, any research project handling mammals will require approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) before a research permit can be approved. Applicants may be contacted by park staff and requested to provide additional information or clarification about the proposed work. Upon completion of these reviews, applicants will be notified via e-mail or telephone about the status of their permit. Researchers will be mailed a draft permit containing any changes or mitigations required.

Researchers may have mitigations or conditions imposed that are specific to HOSP. These are sometimes necessary due to temporary closures of areas, park operation, or other regulations. Once reviewed, researchers will sign the draft and return to the park for final approval by the Park Superintendent. Final permits will then be mailed back to the researcher with a permission letter to conduct the research. This paperwork must be carried each time the researcher is in the park.

Researchers might be asked to submit a formal safety plan to the park’s Natural Resources Program Manager and/or to receive a safety briefing before beginning field work. Researchers carrying out their work in front country areas or in plain view of the public may also be asked to display some type of apparel that clearly identifies them as members of a field research team. The park has a limited number of articles of clothing that display appropriate identifying marks available for loan if needed.


Reporting Requirements

Data (and metadata) obtained in a national park under the authority of a Research and Collection Permit must be reported and provided to the park. Guidelines for reporting results in the appropriate formats will be furnished to investigators conducting research. A digital copy of original data files, any derived data products, and metadata must be submitted to the park upon completion of the work. Investigators needing assistance or that have questions on reporting their data may contact the park’s Research Coordinator.

Researchers that have obtained a Research and Collection Permit are required to submit an Investigator's Annual Report (IAR) at the end of each year. This can be submitted online at the NPS Research Permit and Reporting System. Completion of an IAR is required each year of the project from initial data collection until a final report is submitted. Failure to submit an IAR may impact the renewal of future permits. IAR's are intended to be brief, stand-alone summaries to communicate the highlights of objectives and research progress and findings to park management, park interpreters, and the public. Upon completion of a project, investigators must submit a copy of the final report or publication and data for the parks library and data management. We encourage investigators to submit a one to two page layman's abstract along with their final report.

If you are interested in obtaining a Research and Collection Permit and have questions please contact:

Chace Holzheuser
Natural Resources Program Manager
(501) 620-6751
Office hours: M-F, 8-4:00pm CST

A woman and man work together to lift a large green metal lid off one of the spring boxes.
Researcher Safety

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A woman holds a catalogued and preserved plant specimen up while wearing gloves, coat, and mask.
Material Transfer Responsibilities

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Dozens of boxes of various arrowheads and stone spearpoints sitting in a drawer.
Curatorial Responsibilities

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A man dressed in bright orange holds monitoring equipment in a stream.
Inventory & Monitoring

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Thermal water flows over a blue-green algae filled crevice in tufa rock.
Natural Features & Ecosystems

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Last updated: August 22, 2024

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Mailing Address:

101 Reserve Street
Hot Springs, AR 71901


501 620-6715

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