Inventory & Monitoring Networks and Parks

The Network Concept

Across the country, more than 280 parks with significant natural resources have been grouped into 32 "networks." Network boundaries are based on geography and the natural resource characteristics parks have in common.

Parks within each of the networks work together to plan, design, and conduct inventories and long-term monitoring. Today, all Inventory & Monitoring (I&M) networks collect, analyze, and provide park managers with reliable scientific information about key park resources, known as "vital signs."

Information gathered by I&M networks is shared widely. Network staff produce technical reports, resource briefs, and journal publications, and each network has a website. Use the map below to start visiting network sites, or exploring network parks and vital signs.

I&M Networks and Affiliated Parks

A map and lists of networks and affiliated parks are also available in the NPS Data Store as a printable pdf or tabular spreadsheet. This list is current to May 2017.

List of Inventory and Monitoring Division Networks and Affiliated Parks, May 2017
Network Name Network Code Park Name Park Code

Last updated: September 11, 2023