
two lightweight shoes upside-down on a fence rail, with many cactus spines embedded in them
Ouch! Wear sturdy shoes in the desert, and watch where you step.

NPS/Jesmira Bonoan


We want your trip to Joshua Tree to be safe and enjoyable. This page includes important information that you should know before you come to the park. Please keep this information in mind and prepare well for your trip. Ultimately, your safety is your responsibility.


In an Emergency

Cell coverage is very limited inside the park you should not expect to depend on your cell phone in an emergency. If you are in a location with cell phone service, dial 911 or call 909-383-5651. Emergency phones are located at:

  • Indian Cove Ranger Station
  • Intersection Rock Parking lot, near Hidden Valley Campground
  • Cottonwood Visitor Center

Heat & Sun

During the summer, expect high temperatures, intense sunlight, and low humidity. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration in the arid desert environment. Drink at least one gallon (4 liters) of water per day to replace loss from sweat.

Bring the water you will need to the park with you. Potable water is available at only a few locations near the edges of the park:

  • the Joshua Tree National Park Visitor Center in Twentynine Palms
  • Park Headquarters
  • the West Entrance station
  • Black Rock Campground
  • Cottonwood Campground
  • Indian Cove Ranger Station

Don't forget to eat! You need to take in calories to fuel your outdoor activities. On a hot day, eating salty snacks can help your body replace electrolytes that are lost through sweating.

For sun protection, wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothing and a wide-brimmed hat. Apply sunscreen to all exposed skin. Protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses.

Heat Exhaustion - The result of dehydration due to intense sweating. Hikers can lose one or two quarts (liters) of water per hour.

Symptoms: pale face, nausea, vomiting, cool and moist skin, headache, cramps.

Treatment: drink water with electrolytes, eat high-energy foods (with fats and sugars), rest in the shade for 30-45 minutes, and cool the body by getting wet.

Heat Stroke - A life-threatening emergency where the body's heat regulating mechanisms become overwhelmed by a combination of internal heat production and environmental demands. Your body loses its ability to cool itself.

Symptoms: flushed face, dry skin, weak and rapid pulse, high core body temperature, confusion, poor judgment or inability to cope, unconsciousness, seizures.

Treatment: the heatstroke victim must be cooled immediately! Continuously pour water on the victim's head and torso, fan to create an evaporative cooling effect. Immerse the victim in cold water if possible. Move the victim to shade and remove excess clothing. The victim needs evacuation to a hospital. Someone should go for help while attempts to cool the victim continue. Call 911.

Hyponatremia (water intoxication) - An illness that mimics the early symptoms of heat exhaustion. It is the result of low sodium in the blood caused by drinking too much water and losing too much salt through sweating.

Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, altered mental states, confusion, frequent urination. The victim may appear intoxicated. In extreme cases seizures may occur.

Treatment: have the victim eat salty foods, slowly drink sports drinks with electrolytes, and rest in the shade. If mental alertness decreases, seek immediate help!

Find more information on this article about hiking in the heat



Keep wildlife wild. Any wild animal may be dangerous if approached. Additionally, wild animals can carry deadly diseases such as hantavirus, plague, and rabies. Always view wildlife from the safety or your car or from a distance. Do not approach animals to take pictures, and teach children not to chase or pick up animals.

Never feed wildlife; it is unhealthy for animals and may lead them to become aggressive towards humans. Store food in hard-sided containers or in your vehicle to prevent ravens, coyotes, and other animals from eating it.

It is exciting to see wildlife, but remember: the park is their home and it is our responsibility to allow animals to live their lives undisturbed.

A few venomous animals live in the park, including rattlesnakes, scorpions, and black widow spiders. When hiking or climbing in the park, always look before you place your hands or feet. Avoid stepping or reaching into places you cannot see.

Bees may attack when their hives are threatened. Listen for buzzing and stay away. Bees looking for water are attracted to any moisture source, including human perspiration. Their activity picks up in the summer when the park is at its driest. Do not swat at them; they might sting you. Keep drinks and food inside your vehicle. Keep car windows rolled up and use caution when exiting your vehicle. Bees will pick up water where they can find it and then fan themselves inside the hive to provide evaporative cooling! This is one of the main reasons that bees actively seek out places with water in the hot summer. If you are allergic to bees, consider visiting in the winter when bee activity is at its lowest and always have necessary medicine with you.



Park roads are narrow and winding, with soft, sandy shoulders. Drive carefully and obey posted speed limits. Many wild animals, including the threatened desert tortoise, have been killed by speeding cars.

If you stop to view wildlife or scenery, please use pullouts or parking lots. Do not stop in the travel lane—it could cause an accident.

Off-road driving is prohibited. The desert environment is more fragile than it may look. Off-road driving creates ruts, upsets delicate drainage patterns, compacts the soil, and leaves visible scars for years. Crushed and uprooted plants may not recover.

Travel with extra water in your vehicle. If you experience car trouble, stay with your vehicle.


Flash Floods

Storms and flash floods can be powerful and sudden. Avoid canyons and washes during rainstorms and be prepared to move to higher ground. While driving, be alert for water running across dips in the road. Remember: turn around, don't drown. Continue reading about Joshua Tree's flash floods...


Outdoor Activities

Planning to hike, climb, or cycle in hot weather? Plan to bring along two gallons (8 liters) of water per person, per day. Drink the water and do not economize. When the water is half gone, it's time to turn back.

Avoid hiking alone. Whether or not you're with a group, always inform a friend of family member of your planned route and expected return time. Carry a map and compass and know how to use them. Check the weather forecast before departing for your hike, but recognize that desert weather can change suddenly. Carry a headlamp on every hike, even a short day hike. Remember that the first principle of Leave No Trace is plan ahead and prepare.

Carry a comprehensive first aid kit. Add a comb and tape to your kit. These items are often helpful in removing cholla and other cactus spines from the skin. Other suggested items for desert hikers include tweezers, safety pins, bandages of various sizes, antibiotic ointment, antiseptic towelettes, wound closure strips, moleskin or duct tape for blisters, compression bandage, ibuprofen, aspirin, antihistamine tablets, extra food and salty snacks, and an emergency blanket. This is not a comprehensive list, but will help you get started in your planning.

Rock climbing has inherent risks and climbers assume complete responsibility for their safety. Climbers must have the appropriate skill and equipment for the route, conditions, weather, and season. The National Park Service does not inspect, maintain, or repair fixed anchors and other climbing equipment. A fixed anchor is defined as any piece of climbing equipment that is left in place to facilitate a safe ascent or rappel. Examples include, but are not limited to, bolts, pitons, and slings.


Stay Out, Stay Alive

Many old mine sites are found within the park. If you choose to visit them, use extreme caution and never enter mine tunnels or shafts.


Winter Visits

Winter temperatures can drop well below freezing. Hypothermia can be a hazard even at temperatures above freezing. Always carry extra layers of clothing during the cooler months.

The short days of winter lead some hikers to miscalculate how much time they need to complete a hike. Around the winter solstice, plan to be back at the trailhead by 4 pm.

Hypothermia- A life-threatening emergency where the body cannot keep itself warm, due to exhaustion and exposure to cold, wet, windy weather.

Symptoms: uncontrolled shivering, poor muscle control, careless attitude. Look for signs of the "umbles" - stumbling, mumbling, fumbling, grumbling.

Treatment: remove wet clothing and put on dry clothing, drink warm sugary liquids, warm victim by body contact with another person, protect from wind, rain, and cold.


Last updated: September 4, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

74485 National Park Drive
Twentynine Palms, CA 92277-3597


760 367-5500

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