
McKee Amphitheater

A large outdoor screen protected by a brown building sits in front of row after row of benches.
Evening ranger programs are presented most nights between Memorial Day and Labor Day.


Quick Facts

Amphitheater, Benches/Seating, Wheelchair Accessible

During the warmer months, McKee Amphitheater is the primary location for evening ranger programs on the South Rim of the park. Located just off the connector trail between the Canyon Rim Trail and Park Headquarters, McKee features bench seating in an open-air amphitheater. The current schedule of ranger programs is available at the Visitor Center and on signs throughout the village. 

You can also check the CALENDAR on Grand Canyon National Park's website, or on the NPS Mobile App, for the schedule. Programs are not presented every night.

What's in a Name?

McKee Amphitheater is named after Park Naturalist Edwin Dinwiddie McKee. Hired to work at Grand Canyon in 1929 Eddie McKee established ranger led programs along the canyon rims, installed interpretive signs and displays, wrote educational pamphlets, and helped to establish the first version of Grand Canyon's research library and the non-profit that continues to support park operations to this day. Trained as a geologist he authored numerous scientific papers on Grand Canyon rocks and strata as well as the canyon's natural resources. Working at the canyon until 1940 Eddie McKee helped to lay the frame work for modern Interpretation of Grand Canyon resources and greatly expanded the collective knowledge of both the ancient environments and conditions that formed Grand Canyon's rock layers as well as the forces and processes necessary to carve the vast canyon we see today.  

Grand Canyon National Park

Last updated: October 10, 2024