Find a Cultural Landscape

Guide to this Page

  • Browse cultural landscape articles by geographic area of the country or by topic.
  • The web map “Cultural Landscapes of the National Park Service” shows the boundaries of nearly all NPS cultural landscapes. Click the points in the map for a pop up with a short introduction and a link to more information.
  • The searchable table lists the cultural landscapes in parks around the National Park System with a complete Cultural Landscape Inventory (CLI), as of the end of September 2020. Many of these CLI reports are available to download. As the NPS completes additional inventories, this documentation will be added to the list.

About Cultural Landscape Profiles

The Landscape Profiles are brief articles that provide an overview of the history, significance, features, and preservation of each landscape. They are a summary of the CLI documentation which is an inventory of all NPS cultural landscapes that have significance in American history and authenticity to a historic time period. The CLI report for each landscape documents the location, physical development, characteristics, significance, and features, and also indicates the condition of the landscape.

Cultural Landscape Type
The NPS recognizes four, non-mutually exclusive types of cultural landscapes:
  • historic designed landscape
  • historic site
  • historic vernacular landscape
  • ethnographic landscape
National Register Significance Information
The historic significance of cultural landscapes is established by the National Register of Historic Places Criteria for Evaluation. Listed on or eligible for the National Register as sites or districts, their significance can be associated with:

A. a historic event
B. a historic person
C. a historic style of design or method of construction
D. a potential to reveal further information through archeology

Period of Significance
A landscape’s “period of significance” is defined through research and provides the best frame of reference for evaluating the congruity of treatment and management.

Landscape Links: Related Resources
Find available documentation and resources, from the NPS and beyond, for a deeper study of the landscape history and characteristics. This might include:
  • Cultural Landscape Inventory
  • Cultural Landscape Report
  • National Register of Historic Places documentation
  • Library of Congress photograph collections
  • Photo Galleries
  • NPS Virtual Tours
  • External collections or resources associated with the landscape
Park website
Visit the park website for a broader look at its history and resources and to get the most up-to-date information to help plan your visit.

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Port Oneida school at the edge of a field, under a tall tree bright with autumn leaves
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View from atop an exposed bluff includes an overcast bay, Point Reyes Life Saving Station, and wharf
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Map of Cultural Landscapes of the NPS

Table of Cultural Landscapes of the NPS

This list contains cultural landscapes in parks around the National Park System with a complete and certified Cultural Landscape Inventory (CLI), as of the end of September 2023. Many of these CLI reports are available to download. As the NPS completes additional inventories, this documentation will be added to the list. The Landscape Profiles are brief articles that provide an overview of the history, significance, features, and preservation of each landscape. 
NPS Cultural Landscapes, 2023 update
CLI Number State Park Cultural Landscape Inventory Name CLI in IRMA DataStore (link) Landscape Profile (link) By Region

Last updated: October 4, 2024