Sample Nominations - Buildings

Image of numerous brick buildings.
09000006, James E. Pepper Distillery, Kentucky

Photograph courtesy Kentucky State Historic Preservation Office

James E. Pepper Distillery
Kentucky, Reference number: 09000006
Area of Significance: Industry
Period of Significance: 1934-1958

The James E. Pepper Distillery is comprised of ten resources (eight contributing) within an approximately 6.4-acres site. Contributing resources are those built on the site and utilized by the distillery during the period of significance, 1934-1958. Noncontributing resources include a non-historic concrete block outbuilding and a non-historic warehouse.
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A red building with a brick wall
100006885, Philip Heiden House, South Carolina

Photograph courtesy of South Carolina State Historic Preservation Office

Philip Heiden C. House
South Carolina, Reference number: 100006885
Area of Significance: Architecture
Period of Significance: 1938

The Philip C. Heiden House is significant under Criterion C in the area of Architecture at the local level as an excellent and rare residential example of the Streamline Moderne Style in Lake City. Designed by Heiden in 1938, the small house embodies the basic tenants of Streamline Moderne architecture, including the flat roof, smooth exterior render, and soft, rounded corners. Streamline Modern design is more commonly expressed in commercial buildings throughout the state and the use of this style for residential construction is unusual and rare in a small town in the rural Pee Dee region. The house and its detached one-car garage remain largely intact throughout the interior and exterior.
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2 and one-half story brick builiding with gal bel roof
100006818, Schantz Organ Company, Ohio

Photograph courtesy of Ohio State Historic Preservation Office

Schantz Organ Comany
Ohio, Reference number: 100006818
Area of Significance: Industry
Period of Significance: 1904-1975

The Schantz Organ Company is significant at the local level under Criterion A in the area of industry for its association and longevity in the design, manufacture and distribution of pipe organs. The American pipe organ industry thrived in the late nineteenth and early-to midtwentieth century with hundreds of builders throughout the United States. The period of significance ends in 1975 when the machinery and wood pipe shop addition was constructed and the current (fourth) generation family member assumed management of the company.

This nomination was written by the property owner with assistance from the Ohio State Historic Preservation Office.
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Last updated: September 10, 2024