Maritime Heritage Grants: Manage Your Grant

Grant Agreement

All grantees should be familiar with their grant agreement. It outlines all of the grant's requirements and contains all of the information you need to successfully manage your grant. Your grant agreement is also a legal document and you're required to comply with its terms and conditions. Grantees should meet all the requirements and conditions outlined in their grant agreement.

Grant Amendments

What is an Amendment?

An amendment, also called a modification, is a change to your awarded grant. Since your grant is essentially a contract, changes to it must be recorded.

When is an Amendment Necessary?

The terms and conditions of your grant and 2 CFR 200 define when and how an award may be amended.

The most common reasons an award is amended are:

  • change in key personnel
  • change in budget
  • change in period of performance

How do I Request an Amendment?

Amendments may be requested by email to your grant manager and placed in GrantSolutions. Any request for an amendment should include a list of requested changes as well as a very brief justification for the change.

Need help with GrantSolutions? Check the GrantSolutions Training Resources.

Grant Reporting

The objective of your grant reporting is to provide information to the National Park Service about measurable accomplishments under your grant agreement.

In addition to periodic financial and progress reports, National Maritime Heritage grants may also have additional requirements such as draft work products, draft architectural plans and specifications, and other specific items. Your grant agreement will outline these reporting requirements.

To assist you in complying with the terms and conditions of your National Maritime Heritage grant, you'll use GrantSolutions, HPF Online, and standard forms, worksheets, and optional templates to gather data on grant-supported activities.

Interim and Final Reports

Interim Report Final Report
A complete Interim Report will include:
  • Interim Reporting Worksheet (may be attached to the PPR in GrantSolutions)
  • SF-425 Federal Financial Report (called the FFR in GrantSolutions)
  • Drawdown history from ASAP payment system (may be attached to the PPR in GrantSolutions
  • Appropriate SF-428 series form (only required if reportable property is purchased, may be attached to the PPR in Grant Solutions)
A complete Final Report will include:
  • Final Reporting Worksheet (may be attached to the PPR in GrantSolutions)
  • SF-425 Federal Financial Report (called the FFR in GrantSolutions)
  • Drawdown history from ASAP payment system (may be attached to the PPR in GrantSolutions
  • Appropriate SF-428 series form (only required if reportable property is purchased, may be attached to the PPR in Grant Solutions)
plus any additional requirements described in your grant agreement
  • Example: draft National Register nomination
plus any additional requirements described in your grant agreement
  • Example: executed easement, covenant, or memorandum of agreement

What is Submitted Where?

Interim Report Worksheet
Final Report Worksheet
Modification/Amendment Request
Submit via GrantSolutions, unless otherwise requested
Draft Deliverables Check the addenda of your grant agreement

For subgrant programs, submit one Interim Reporting Worksheet to GrantSolutions outlining the progress on all subgrant projects. For example, if your subrant program has five sugrant projects, outline the progress of all five projects in a single Interim Reporting Worksheet. The purpose of the Interim Reporting Worksheet is to give the NPS a snapshot of the progress of the grant as a whole.
Photograph of San Salvador replica. Photo shows the ship with 2 main masts sailing in San Diego Bay. Point Loma is in the background.
Friendship replica, Salem Maritime National Historic Site, 2015.


All National Maritime Heritage Grant recipients use a free web-based grants management platform called GrantSolutions. You'll use GrantSolutions to formally accept your grant, manage interim and final reporting, and request modifications to an awarded grant.

To start using GrantSolutions you'll need to visit the their website to request a user account. We encourage new grantees to review the GrantSolutions Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) webpage. Common issues, like account creation, user roles, compatible web browsers, and how to receive technical assistance are all discussed in the FAQ. Please Note: Grantees are responsible for creating, maintaining, and closing their own GrantSolutions user account.

Logging in to GrantSolutions

Once you've created your GrantSolutions account credentials, you'll log in using Please see Getting Started with for more information. Your account will allow you to access GrantSolutions using the same username and password that you use for and

If you already have a account:

  1. Go to
  2. Select Manage Account
  3. Ensure that the email address associated with your GrantSolutions account is listed in your account

Using GrantSolutions

After you've created your account you'll use it to log in to GrantSolutions. Once you've accessed GrantSolutions, you'll primarily be using the Grants Management Module (GMM). The GMM is used for tasks such as:

  • how to log in and configure recipient system roles
  • system navigation
  • finding your grant
  • accepting your grant
  • submitting reports
  • submitting amendments
  • managing amendments
  • using Grant Notes

For more information see Getting started with GrantSolutions and Recipient system roles. GrantSolutions also offers additional training and information on common tasks .

Questions and Technical support:

For GrantSolutions Help Desk contact information please see our Technical Support for Grant Software Systems section. Please Note: The National Maritime Heritage Grants Program does not provide technical support for GrantSolutions.

HPF Online

The National Maritime Heritage Grants Program uses HPF Online to enter and track all subgrants, contracts, and in-house activities.

SHPOs should enter in-house projects and subgrants when they are ready for NPS review prior to executing contracts and/or subgrant agreements. The full list of requirements and instructions for the use of HPF Online for National Maritime Heritage Grants can be found in the downloadable copy of the National Maritime Heritage Grants HPF Online Manual.

For all new grantees, please ensure new staff who need access to HPF Online have set up new user accounts by emailing and cc’ing

Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA)

Under the FFATA, prime awardees/recipients who have been awarded a federal grant are required to file an FFATA sub-award report on each subgrant greater than or projected to be greater than $30,000.00. Reports must be entered in (Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Subaward Reporting System) not later than the month following the month in which the subgrant agreement is signed. Reporting to FSRS is separate from interim and final reporting.

Determining Allowable Costs

There are three key sources for determining the eligibility and allowability of costs under your grant. These are:

Renewing Your Registration

Grantees are required to renew their registration at least once every 12 months from the date previously registered. We strongly encourage you to revalidate your registration as often as needed to ensure your information is up to date and reflects changes that may have been made to your IRS information.

Grantees with active grants are required by 2 CFR 200.25 and the terms of their grant agreement to maintain an active registration with Usernames and passwords for are managed through

Forms, Worksheets, Templates

Documents needed to manage National Maritime Heritage grants can be found in the table below. Please Note: Unless the table says otherwise, all forms are to be submitted in GrantSolutions.

Category Name Document Number/Type Use This When... Go To... Additional Instructions
Project Easement, Covenant, or Preservation Agreement Template You're undertaking project work that involves development (construction) or ground-disturbing archeology. Sample Preservation Easement/Covenant Link will take you to a webpage with a Sample Preservation Easement/Covenant
Spending Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Report You're reporting on a subaward greater than or equal to $30,000 is the online system where FFATA reports are filed. Helpdesk for is provided through the Federal Service Desk. FFATA Information entered in is publicaly available on USA Spending.
Spending FFR (Federal Financial Report) SF-425 You're reporting on what you've spent under your grant award This should be completed directly in GrantSolutions.
Project Final Project Worksheet Worksheet You're submitting a final report on a grant project Final Project Worksheet (Open in Word) This can be uploaded directly into GrantSolutions as an attachment to the PPR (Project Progress Reporting).
Project Interim Progress Worksheet Worksheet You're submitting an interim report on a grant project Interim Progress Worksheet (Open in Word) This can be uploaded directly into GrantSolutions as an attachment to the PPR (Project Progress Reporting).
Project National Historic Landmark (NHL) Information List You're proposing a project affecting a National Historic Landmark HPF online This is not a form; it's a list of required information to be submitted to your grant manager for projects affecting a National Historic Landmark (NHL). Prime recipients should submit this information through HPF Online when entering a project affecting an NHL.
Project NEPA Screening Worksheet Worksheet You're proposing a development (construction) project or archeological investigation with ground disturbance NEPA Screening Worksheet Worksheet should be attached to all NEPA documentation. Please email the National Maritime Heritage Grants Program at for more information.
Project Project Sign (Public Notification) Template You're undertaking project work that involves development (construction). Design Guidelines for Project Sign (Public Notification) Templates specific to the National Maritime Heritage Grants Program will be available to grantees. Please email the National Maritime Heritage Grants Program at for more information.
Funds Request for Advance or Reimbursement SF-270 You're requesting permission to draw down funds Your grant agreement will tell you if this form is required. This form can be uploaded directly into GrantSolutions.
Property Tangible Personal Property Report SF-428 You've purchased reportable property and you need a coversheet (optional) This is an optional coversheet for the SF-428 series forms. It can be uploaded directly into GrantSolutions as an attachment to the PPR (Project Progress Reporting). The SF-428 series forms are only required if you've purchased tangible personal property (property of any kind, except real property, that has physical existence such as equipment and supplies).
Property Tangible Personal Property Report - Annual Report SF-428A You've purchased reportable property and you're submitting an interim report This can be uploaded directly into GrantSolutions as an attachment to the PPR. The SF-428 series forms are only required if you've purchased tangible personal property (property of any kind, except real property, that has physical existence such as equipment and supplies).
Property Tangible Personal Property Report - Disposition Request/Report SF-428C You've purchased reportable property and you're requesting to dispose of property before a grant ends This can be uploaded directly into GrantSolutions as an attachment to the PPR. The SF-428 series forms are only required if you've purchased tangible personal property (property of any kind, except real property, that has physical existence such as equipment and supplies).
Property Tangible Personal Property Report - Final Report SF-428B You've purchased reportable property and you're submitting a final report This can be uploaded directly into GrantSolutions as an attachment to the PPR. The SF-428 series forms are only required if you've purchased tangible personal property (property of any kind, except real property, that has physical existence such as equipment and supplies).

Requesting Payment

Grant funds are disbursed through the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) system. This system allows grantees to receive funds by either wire transfer or Automated Clearing House (ACH) payment. In general, National Maritime Heritage grants are reimbursement grants. Complete information on registering with ASAP, updating your registration, and requesting payments can found below in Getting Started in ASAP.

Grant Management Systems

Web-based grants management platform
FFATA Subaward Reporting System

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    Technical Support for Grant Management Systems

    There are several systems that grant recipients use to submit grant data. Not all of these systems are managed or controlled by the National Park Service. Contact information for the online grant systems used by National Maritime Heritage grantees is provided below.






    Technical issue with ASAP

    ASAP Help Desk:, 1-855-868-0151 (option 2, then option 3)

    ASAP account access

    Drawdown Approval

    Program or policy question for awarded grants

    Please contact your grant manager

    Submission deadlines and requirements allowability of costs specific to National Maritime Heritage grants drawdown approval. If required, initial ASAP account creation


    Technical issue with reporting on subgrants using FSRS

    Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Subaward Reporting System (FSRS)/Federal Service Desk

    Adding subgrantee data, Finding your prime award


    Technical problem with report submission

    Help Desk:, 1-866-577-0771

    GrantSolutions account creation, Interim or final progress report, Submission problems

    HPF Online

    Technical issues with HPF Online

    Please email the National Maritime Heritage Grants Program at

    HPF Online account creation, Database errors


    Technical issues with renewing and/or revalidating registration Service Desk

    Yearly renewal of registration

    Last updated: August 8, 2024