Viewing Elephant Seals


Click on the following links to find out more about viewing opportunities for these species and to learn about their habitats and behaviors:

Birds ¦ Coho Salmon ¦ Elephant Seals ¦ Tule Elk ¦ Whales

A bull elephant seal on a sandy beach rears back its head as it trumpets a challenge as waves break in the background.
A bull elephant seal trumpets a challenge at Drakes Beach on February 10, 2019.

A Brief History of Elephant Seals at Point Reyes

After being absent for more than 150 years, northern elephant seals returned to sandy pocket beaches on the south side of the Point Reyes Headlands in the early 1970s. In 1981, the first breeding pair was discovered near Chimney Rock. Between 1988 and 1993, the population grew at a dramatic annual average rate of 32%. Since 1993, the average growth rate has slowed to 8–9% per year. Fanning out from their initial secluded south-facing beaches of the headlands, the seals have since expanded to beaches which are not as remote, including, after 2019, Drakes Beach adjacent to the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center.

A circular graphic illustrating when elephant seals are present at Point Reyes.
Males, females, juveniles, and/or pups are present at Point Reyes at various times throughout the year.

When are Elephant Seals Present at Point Reyes?

While some elephant seals may be present at Point Reyes on any given day of the year, the greatest number of seals haul out on beaches around the headlands from December through March for the birthing and mating season, and in the spring when adult females and juveniles haul out to molt. Visitors may observe a colony of elephant seals from the Elephant Seal Overlook near Chimney Rock, above beautiful Drakes Bay, or from the South Beach Overlook a short distance north of the Point Reyes Lighthouse visitors' parking lot. And, since 2019, visitors are also able to view a colony on the beach adjacent to the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center.

The males are the first to arrive here, in December, in an effort to stake out a claim on the beach they hope to dominate. Then pregnant females begin to arrive and, soon thereafter, give birth to a single pup (or, in an extremely rare case, twins). The southwest Drakes Beach colony, which can be viewed from the Elephant Seal Overlook, can number over 600 animals by early February.

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Five visitors in the foreground look down from a bluff-top overlook at elephant seals that are on narrow beaches at the base of sloping bluffs in the distance.
Bring binoculars to better see the elephant seals located on the beach at the base of the bluffs opposite of the Elephant Seal Overlook.

Elephant Seal Overlook

From the Elephant Seal Overlook, you can witness the fascinating behavior of these animals, including male dominance contests, birthing of pups, and the interactions of mothers and pups. You will hear the distinctive vocalizations of females and pups, as well as the powerful trumpeting of the adult males (referred to as "bulls"), which can be heard for over a mile.

After a month of nursing, female elephant seals will wean their pups and head back out to sea for a month or two of feeding to replenish deleted energy reserves, leaving the weaned pups ("weanlings" or "weaners") to survive on their own. Once adult females have left the colonies, adult males will also depart. By mid-April, most of the pups have left the area to find food. In early April, juvenile seals and adult females come to shore for two to three weeks in order to molt (shed their skin). Toward the end of the spring, the female molt has concluded and they head back to sea for a longer feeding period. The juvenile molt extends into early summer when the adult males start to haul out for their molting season. There tend to be very few elephant seals at Point Reyes in the late summer, but on most days a few elephant seals may still be seen from the Elephant Seal Overlook. By mid-September, juveniles will return to shore for a resting haul out. During this time, the juvenile seals are still growing and being onshore allows their bones and muscles to develop properly. It also gets them in sync with the coming on shore twice a year pattern and allows the seals to do this before the breeding season, in which they are too young to participate.

Check out our Weekly Elephant Seal updates to learn the latest news.

From the edge of a parking lot lined with orange barriers, visitors look at elephant seals on a beach.
A view of the southern edge of the Drakes Beach parking lot on February 5, 2023. Orange k-rails separate visitors from the elephant seals, which are visible on the iceplant and beach on the left.

Elephant Seals at Drakes Beach

Last updated: June 14, 2024

A few northern elephant seals may be viewed on Drakes Beach west of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center, and maybe on the beach immediately below the parking lot.

Please be aware that as the elephant seals move around, additional closures may be implemented at any time, including the section of Drakes Beach immediately below the parking lot. Visitors should check this page for the most up-to-date information.

Whether you are in a parking lot, on pathways, or on a beach, please maintain at least 25 feet of distance between yourself and the elephant seals. Better yet, use the "rule of thumb": Hold out your arm, raise your thumb, and close one eye. If you cannot cover the animal with your thumb, you are probably too close.

History of Elephant Seals at Drakes Beach

Since winter 2018–2019, male elephant seals have returned to Drakes Beach adjacent to the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center in early December and pregnant females have returned to the beach in late January to give birth to their pups. As a result, to better protect the elephant seals, the park has closed access to Drakes Beach, and, at times, the entire Drakes Beach area, to the public for varying lengths of time. Please be aware that closures may be implemented at any time of the year if elephant seals return in large numbers. These closures were necessary to protect human and seal safety.

To view the larger elephant seal colony that is further southwest along Drakes Beach, please visit the Elephant Seal Overlook near Chimney Rock.

Annual Beach Closure

The beach to the southwest (e.g., towards Chimney Rock; to the right as one faces the bay) of the Drakes Beach parking lot is closed to all entry from December 15 through March 31. (See Interactive Map below.) Please review the Seal viewing tips below before coming to Drakes Beach. There are signs, fences, and other barriers that have been set up to mark closed areas; please respect the closures and do not enter closed areas. Citations will be issued to those who disregard the closures.

Peter Behr Overlook

The Peter Behr Overlook may be reached by following a steep, narrow paved path from the southwest corner of the parking lot to a bluff-top viewpoint. It offers a great view of Drakes Bay, Chimney Rock, and Drakes Beach to the east…but not much of a view of the section of beach to the west on which most of the elephant seals are hauled out. For your safety, and the safety of the seals on the beach below, please stay on the paved path and do not go over or around the wooden fencing at the end of the paved trail. Loose soil and/or rock along the blufftops can give way suddenly and you may fall. Or you might initiate a rockfall or landslide that injures or kills the seals on the beach below. Also, there is a lot of poison oak growing among the vegetation surrounding the trail and overlook.

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Seal viewing tips

  • For your own safety, always observe elephant seals from a distance. Use binoculars, telephoto lenses, and spotting scopes for a better view of the animals. If a seal becomes alert or nervous and begins to move away, you are too close.
  • Stay at least 25 feet (~8 meters) from elephant seals. Better yet, use the "rule of thumb": Hold out your arm, raise your thumb, and close one eye. If you cannot cover the animal with your thumb, you are probably too close.
  • Do not come between a cow and pup, a bull and a group of cows, or two bulls challenging each other.
  • Watch quietly; whisper. Move slowly.
  • Limit overall viewing time to no more than 30 minutes.
  • Avoid abrupt movements or loud noises around marine mammals
  • Move away cautiously if behaviors are observed that indicate the animal is stressed.
  • Avoid touching or swimming with wild marine mammals, even if they approach you.
  • Bring your pets only where they are allowed.
  • Observe beach closures and restrictions.

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Feeding or Harassing Marine Mammals in the Wild is Illegal and Harmful to the Animals

Why is it illegal to feed, attempt to feed, or harass marine mammals in the wild?

Feeding, attempting to feed, and harassment of marine mammals in the wild by anyone is prohibited by regulations enacted under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

Feeding, attempting to feed, or otherwise harassing marine mammals in the wild was made illegal because it is harmful to the animals in the following ways:

  • It causes marine mammals to lose their natural wariness of humans or boats and become conditioned to receiving handouts and associate people with food.
  • It changes their natural behaviors, including feeding and migration activities, and decreases their willingness to forage for food on their own. They may also begin to take bait/catch from fishing gear. These changed behaviors may be passed on to their young and other members of their social groups and increases their risk of injury from boats, entanglement in fishing gear, and intentional harm by people frustrated with the behavioral changes.
  • Some of the items that are fed to marine mammals may be contaminated (old or spoiled) or not food at all. Feeding marine mammals inappropriate food, non-food items, or contaminated food jeopardizes their health.
  • Marine mammals sometimes become aggressive when seeking food, and are known to bite or injure people when teased or expecting food.

How is "harassment" defined under the Marine Mammal Protection Act?

Harassment means any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance that has the potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild (Level A harassment); or that has the potential to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, including, but not limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering, but does not have the potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild (Level B harassment).

More information on this topic may be found on the National Marine Fisheries Service's Frequent Questions – Feeding or Harassing Marine Mammals in the Wild page.

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Elephant Seal Protection Areas:

Download the Elephant Seal Protection Closures Map, which shows the areas that are affected by the year-round and/or seasonal closures described below. (1,179 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Elephant Seal Colony Year-Round Closure

The Drakes Beach elephant seal colony as delineated by signs at the western-most end of Drakes Beach is closed to all entry due to seal activity at all times of the year. This closure is necessary to protect an established elephant seal colony from disturbance and protect the public. The elephant seal colony is used all year. No management action other than a year-round closure is sufficient.

Annual Seasonal Closures:

From December 15 to March 31, the following areas are closed to all entry in order to better protect nursing elephant seal pups:

  • Drakes Beach: starting at the southern edge of the cove in front of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center and continuing southwest (e.g., towards Chimney Rock; to the right as one faces the bay) to the current permanent elephant seal closure;
  • the beach from the Chimney Rock Lifeboat Station to Chimney Rock;
  • the road leading from the gate at the end of the Chimney Rock Road to the Fish Dock area, including immediately adjacent beaches. (Map - 301 KB PDF); and
  • the southern end of South Point Reyes Beach (as signed) to the Lighthouse.

Temporary Closures

Additional temporary closures may be implemented at any time of the year to better protect elephant seals from disturbance. As of January 16th, 2024, the Drakes Beach parking lot and access points are closed overnight to better protect elephant seal pups. This area is open daily from 10 am to 4 pm when park staff and volunteers are present.

Interactive Map Illustrating the Locations of the Closures Referenced Above


Learn More

During weekends and holidays, highly trained docents staff the Elephant Seal Overlook and Drakes Beach. They have binoculars, spotting scopes, and a wealth of information to share with you.

Check out our Elephant Seals page, the Pacific Coast Science and Learning Center's Elephant Seals web page, or our Elephant Seals Resource Newsletter (1,338 KB PDF).

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Last updated: August 13, 2024

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1 Bear Valley Road
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956


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